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Eye Twitch Can Be Symptoms of Nerve Disease

Eye twitching is often associated with myth. People with twitches are said to be being gossiped about by others. Though this condition is considered normal can be a symptom of a more serious disease. Eye twitching, which in medical language is called blepharospasm, is a repeated movement of the upper eyelid that occurs spontaneously and suddenly. This movement occurs at least a few seconds and lasts for approximately 1-2 minutes. Nevertheless, twitching can also occur in both eyes. The twitch actually doesn't feel painful and can go away on its own, but it can also be annoying and disappear for days, even months.

Types of Eye Twitch

Some people feel it as a mild thing, while some others feel the twitch is quite disturbing. This is because there are several types of twitches based on the severity and accompanying symptoms. Generally, eye twitching can be divided into the following three categories.
  • Minor twitch

  • Minor twitches are generally painless and harmless. Minor twitches are related to lifestyle, such as fatigue, lack of rest, stress, excessive drinking or caffeinated drinks, and smoking. Minor twitches can also be caused by irritation of the cornea or conjunctiva (inner lining of the eyelid).
  • Benign essential blepharospasm

  • Benign essential blepharospasm can be triggered by several things, such as excessive drinking or caffeinated drinks, exposure to bright light, fatigue, lack of sleep, irritation due to air pollution, and stress. Benign essential blepharospasm is commonly experienced by young adults to old adults. This condition is more often experienced by women than men, and is believed to be a combination of hereditary factors with environmental factors. This type of eye twitch can precede or accompany the following eye conditions:
  • Dry eye.
  • Blurred or blurred vision.
  • Light sensitive.
  • Entropion, a condition when the eyelid (usually the lower eyelid) enters the inside of the eye.
  • Conjunctivitis, which is inflammation of the inner surface of the eyelid.
  • Uveitis, which is inflammation that affects the middle layer of tissue in the eye wall.
  • Trichasis, which is a condition when eyelashes grow inward, toward the eye, touching the cornea or conjunctiva.
  • Blepharitis, which is inflammation of the eyelids that is generally caused by bacterial overgrowth, skin allergies, or blocked oil glands in the eyelids.
If it continues to deteriorate, benign essential blepharospasm can cause blurred vision to twitch on the face.
  • Hemificial spasm on one side of the face

  • Facial spasms are an extremely rare condition. This disorder caused by arterial pressure on the nerves involves other parts of the facial muscles, usually the mouth. Unlike the twitch that generally occurs in both eyes, facial spasms only affect one eye, namely on the side of the face that has abnormalities.
In very rare conditions, eye twitching can be a symptom of a disease of the nerves and the brain that is usually accompanied by other symptoms. These diseases include:
  • Bell’s palsy. Conditions that cause paralysis of one part of the face.
  • Dystonia. Conditions that cause unexpected muscle spasms, which make the limbs twisted.
  • Cervical dystonia. The type of dystonia that causes the neck to spasm at any time and makes the head spin to an uncomfortable position.
  • Parkinson's disease. Diseases that cause limbs to vibrate, stiff muscles, difficulty speaking, and experiencing balance disorders.
  • Tourette's Syndrome. Conditions that cause spontaneous sounds or movements (tics).
  • Multiple sclerosis. The condition when the immune system attacks myelin which wraps nerves.
  • Side effects of drugs, especially those used to treat psychosis and epilepsy.
If eye twitching is a symptom of a nervous or brain disorder, the patient needs to be referred to a neurologist.

How to Overcome Eye Twitches

In general, eye twitch will disappear by itself. But if it does not disappear immediately or continue to reappear, twitching can be overcome in the following ways:
  • Get enough rest.
  • Limit consumption of caffeine, cigarettes, and liquor.
  • Other conditions, such as dry eyes can be treated with artificial tears. But you should consult a doctor first.
  • Warm eye compress when twitching begins.
  • Limit the screen of electronic devices or gadgets, such as computers, laptops, or cellphones. If working using these tools, rest your eyes for a moment every time you feel discomfort in the eye. But immediately consult an ophthalmologist if:
  • The twitches don't disappear for weeks.
  • Your eyelids are fully closed or you have difficulty opening your eyes.
  • The eyes become red, discharge, swelling, or eyelids fall to close the eyes.
  • Twitch extends to other parts of the face.
  • Complaints of twitch eyes accompanied by visual impairment.
Whatever the cause, the twitch's eye condition should be examined by an ophthalmologist so that the diagnosis can be determined and complaints can be handled with appropriate treatment according to the doctor's diagnosis. To treat eye twitching, your doctor may recommend the use of botox injections. In addition, medicine, acupuncture, hypnosis, and nutritional therapy can also be an option for treating eye twitching, although there is no accurate medical evidence. Surgical removal of some muscles and nerves in the eyelid becomes the last resort taken if other methods do not work. However, this method can cause serious complications.


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