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How to make your own coconut oil

Many natural ingredients around us are beneficial for the body, one of which is coconut oil. Coconut oil can be made by yourself so that its authenticity is guaranteed. How to make coconut oil is also not as difficult as imagined, you know. Coconut oil consists of ingredients that can provide many health benefits. Coconut oil contains high saturated fat. However, the type of saturated fat found in coconut oil is medium chain triglycerides (MCT). This type of fat will be directly used by the liver to produce energy. Coconut oil also contains lauric acid.

So Many Benefits of Coconut Oil

With the above composition, coconut oil is believed to have many health benefits. Among them:
  • Good for people with high cholesterol

  • Some research states that coconut oil can increase levels of good cholesterol (HDL) in the body, and reduce bad cholesterol (LDL). So that coconut oil is thought to be good for sufferers of high cholesterol. However, some studies also say that coconut oil is not necessarily good for your heart health. Therefore, further research is still needed on the benefits of coconut oil against high cholesterol.
  • Lose weight

  • Because the calorie content is lower than other types of oil, the use of coconut oil is considered good for obese people. The content of MCT type of fat in coconut oil, is expected to reduce body weight. However, you still need to limit the amount of coconut oil intake so that no excess calories, which will actually cause weight gain. To lose weight, it still requires a healthy diet and regular exercise.
  • Moisturize the skin

  • Coconut oil can be a mild moisturizer for the skin. You can apply coconut oil regularly after bathing. Using coconut oil twice a day on dry skin, can help moisturize the skin.
  • Lice

  • Applying coconut oil to the hair might be effective in keeping head lice away. The content of lauric acid in coconut oil is thought to act as a natural lice repellent. Coconut oil can be used to treat head lice in people who have sensitive skin or are not compatible with head lice treatment. However, further research is still needed to ensure the effectiveness of coconut oil in treating head lice
  • Diabetes

  • Coconut oil can have a good effect on diabetes, because it is believed to help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin resistance. However, because the type of fat in coconut oil is saturated fat, diabetics are advised to limit their intake of coconut oil.

How to Make Coconut Oil

Anyone can make their own coconut oil at home. Here are some ways that are often done to get coconut oil, namely:
  • Method 1: Boil coconut

  • Prepare four glasses of water, then heat until steam. While waiting for the steamy water, grate two old coconuts. Mix the grated coconut into hot water, then blend until smooth. Filter coconut water that has been blended by using a dense filter to get a lot of coconut milk. If the coconut milk has been collected, boil at medium temperature. Keep stirring until the water is boiling and steaming and the cream that is brownish is separated from the oil. This process takes up to one hour. Make sure not to stop stirring.
  • Method 2: Filter coconut

  • Cut small pieces of old coconut meat. Blend until smooth and if needed, can add water in order to facilitate and speed up the manufacturing process. Filter the results of the blender to produce coconut milk. Add water and do it repeatedly to produce a lot of coconut milk. Leave the juice in a jar for 24 hours to separate the coconut milk and coconut oil layers. Put it in the refrigerator or store it in a cold room to speed up the formation of the curd. Discard the curd and get the pure coconut oil left in the jar or container.
  • Method 3: Sediment the coconut

  • Use fresh coconut or fresh grated coconut that is sold in stores. If using fresh coconut, cut into small pieces and then dry for one day. If you use grated coconut that is sold in stores, be sure to use a rough type of surface. Enter into the juicer little by little so that the process of separating coconut and oil runs smoothly. Perform this process until all coconuts have been processed. Repeat this process once more so that all the coconut oil comes out. Pour the juicer into a jar and store it in a warm temperature for a full day. After that, coconut oil will appear on the surface, while a thick layer will settle to the bottom of the jar. To get coconut oil that is ready to use, pour coconut oil into a new container.
Seeing the benefits and ease of how to make coconut oil above, it would not hurt if you try to make it yourself at home.

Safety Level in Using Coconut Oil

Because research to prove the benefits of coconut oil is still minimal, it is recommended not to rely too much on coconut oil in an effort to improve the quality of health in general. To maintain health, apply a healthy lifestyle in your daily life. If you have certain health conditions and are interested in taking coconut oil to get its benefits, you should consult with your doctor first.


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