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How to launch bowel naturally

Having difficulty defecating or defecating can be very annoying. To overcome this, you can do how to launch a chapter naturally, before using drugs. Difficult bowel movements or constipation usually have characteristics in the form of bowel movements that are less than three times per week, accompanied by a texture of stool that is smaller, dry, and hard, causing pain.

Sufficient Fiber Needs

The best way to launch a bowel movement naturally is to meet adequate intake of fiber from food, so that the process of defecating becomes easier. That requires about 25-35 grams of fiber per day. Some types of fiber-rich foods that you can consume as a way to launch bowel movements naturally include:
  • Fruits

  • Many fruits are high in fiber, including apples that are best consumed when constipated. The content of whole fruit fiber, without peeled skin is about 5-6 grams. Likewise, pears can also be given as a way to launch bowel movements in infants, whether they have been processed as food or in the form of juice.
  • Vegetables

  • Spinach has a high fiber content. One cup of spinach contains 4 grams of fiber. Not only that, spinach is also an excellent source of magnesium. Broccoli is also one of the best vegetable choices for launching bowel movements. About ½ cup of broccoli contains 2.8 grams of fiber and vitamin C. You can serve broccoli at meal times or as a snack with a low-fat sauce.
  • Nuts

  • One of the benefits of nuts is that the fiber content is quite high. One cup of beans counts as 10 grams of fiber, consisting of soluble and insoluble fiber that supports smooth bowel movements. One type you can choose is cooked red beans or as an addition to soups or salads. In addition, almonds can also be selected. About 28 grams of almonds can supply 3.5 grams of fiber for the body.
  • Whole grains

  • For example, cereal or bread made from bran or whole grains, and brown rice. These foods are high in fiber and complex carbohydrates, while also low in fat. Be sure to check the packaging label before buying.
  • Snack

  • Eating the right snacks can bring benefits to launch CHAPTER naturally. For example, medium size sweet potatoes are known to have a fiber content of 3.8 grams. However, avoid peeling yams, because the skin is the part that contains the most fiber. Popcorn can also be a healthy snack choice to help avoid constipation. Three cups of popcorn contain 3.5 grams of fiber with a total of 100 calories. It's best to avoid overusing butter. In addition you can also eat raisins.

Other Supporting Actions

How to launch a bowel movement naturally by increasing fiber intake, should be accompanied by limiting intake of high-fat foods, such as meat, cheese or other dairy products. Then, drink at least 8 glasses of water per day and exercise regularly. Avoid using laxatives every time you experience constipation. It is best to use laxatives according to doctor's recommendations, and only for a limited period of time. Be aware of long-term constipation due to consumption of certain drugs or medical conditions. Pay attention to constipation that occurs protracted, accompanied by abdominal pain, blood in the stool, or weight loss without known triggers. It is important to address constipation appropriately. Prioritize how to pass bowel naturally through intake of fiber from food and other supporting measures, before using laxatives. Consult a doctor if constipation continues or causes other symptoms.


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