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This Is The Right Way To Eliminate Body Odor

Many suspect that body odor is caused by perspiration, when in fact it is not. This misunderstanding makes many people become mistaken in addressing how to eliminate body odor. In the medical world, body odor is known as bromhidrosis. Although body odor often appears when the body sweats, body odor is actually caused by bacteria. Body odor arises when bacteria convert sweat to acid.

Know the Causes of Body Odor

Sweat comes from glands found in the skin. There are two main sweat glands in the skin, namely eccrine and apocrine. The eccrine gland is found in almost the entire body and is in an open area. While the apocrine glands are in hairy areas, such as in the groin and underarms. The eccrine gland will sweat with the composition of water and salt when the body temperature rises. The resulting sweat soaks the surface of the skin and then evaporates. This is done so that body temperature is not too hot. Unlike the eccrine glands which produce sweat in the form of water and salt, the apocrine glands secrete milk-like fluids. This fluid is often released through the apocrine glands when a person experiences stress. Then when sweat mixes with bacteria, body odor arises. Although sweating generally occurs naturally, some people sweat excessively because of the influence of certain medical conditions. Individuals who have thyroid gland disease and carcinoid syndrome, can experience excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). The condition of excessive sweating may also be caused by side effects of medications, such as antidepressant drugs.

Use this method to eliminate body odor

Although not dangerous, body odor often causes a person to lose confidence. Some of the ways below can be done to eliminate body odor and restore confidence:
  • Take a bath regularly

  • Bathing regularly at least once a day is the easiest way to get rid of body odor. When bathing, make sure the sweat-prone areas that often cause body odor, washed thoroughly. But be careful if a little sweat comes out, because the bacteria that causes body odor is difficult to wipe clean if the sweat comes out a little.
  • Using antibacterial soap

  • Soap with packaging that contains antibacterial labels, can be selected. This type of soap can help control the bacteria that cause body odor, so that body odor will also be reduced.
  • Dry the body properly

  • Make sure you always dry the sweat-producing area, such as the armpits and groin. Drying the body properly will make the bacteria that causes body odor difficult to multiply.
  • Use the right clothes

  • Clothing that is made from comfortable materials and does not make the body become hot, can help reduce the potential for excessive sweating, which in turn can minimize body odor. Socks are also needed to avoid the appearance of odors in the legs. Be sure to change clothes every day, including socks, especially after the move.
  • Use deodorants or antiperspirants

  • Deodorant does not prevent sweating out, but the fragrance will prevent body odor from arising. Meanwhile, antiperspirants can reduce the sweat that comes out of the body. This product is needed for those who produce excessive sweating.
  • Pay attention to food intake

  • Some types of food can make someone produce more sweat than usual. The foods include paprika and various other spicy foods, shallots, garlic, and caffeinated drinks, and alcoholic drinks. Avoiding these foods and drinks can help you reduce body odor.
If the method of removing body odor above is still unsuccessful, doctors can recommend surgery to remove the sweat glands at the problematic location through liposuction technique. Another operation to eliminate body odor is endoscopic sympathectomy (ETS). This operation aims to eliminate the nerve controlling sweat. Another way to get rid of body odor that can be used is through botox injections. A total of 12-20 injections are needed in areas that produce excessive sweating, such as in the armpits, hands, feet, or face. The function of botoks itself is blocking signals from the brain to the sweat glands to reduce sweat production. In addition to applying various ways to eliminate body odor, you also need to avoid all triggers of excessive sweating that can worsen body odor. In order for your efforts to eliminate body odor to produce maximum results, make sure you always apply how to eliminate body odor regularly. If the problem of body odor is getting annoying, consult further with your doctor.


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