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Causes of Early Menopause and How to Overcome It

Menopause is normal during a woman's life phase. However, you should be vigilant if menopause comes too early. The reason is, early menopause can be caused by several factors and certain medical conditions. Come on, recognize the symptoms and know how to overcome them here. Early menopause occurs if women under 40 years have stopped menstruating. Symptoms are almost similar to normal menopause, such as irregular menstruation, more or less menstrual periods than usual, and feel a sudden sensation of heat that spreads to the upper body or hot flush. Some other symptoms are vaginal dryness, difficulty controlling urination or bladder disorders, and the skin, mouth or eyes become drier. In some women, menopause also results in emotional disturbances such as bad mood, feeling uneasy, mild depression, insomnia and reduced sexual desire. However, early menoupause should be confirmed by a doctor. Sometimes, a test is done to assess the function of the ovaries.

Various Causes and Risk Factors for Early Menopause

Early menopause can be caused by the following things:
  • Premature ovarian failure

  • In this condition, the ovaries no longer function normally when a woman's age has not reached 40 years. Women with premature ovarian failure can still menstruate, but are generally difficult to
  • Genetic

  • Researchers believe a woman's menopausal age is related to genetics. Generally the menopause of a woman is not much different from her mother. If the mother experiences early menopause, her daughter is at higher risk of experiencing the same thing.
  • Radiation therapy and chemotherapy

  • Cancer treatment or other diseases that use chemotherapy or radiation therapy around the pelvis can cause early menopause. This is due to disruption of the ovaries to function normally.
  • Surgical procedure

  • Surgery performed to remove the ovary for various reasons can cause premature menopause.
  • Medicines and other diseases

  • Early menopause can also be caused by side effects of drugs, chronic diseases, tumors in the pituitary gland (pituitary) and hypothalamus, and psychological disorders. In addition, HIV / AIDS, autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, chromosomal abnormalities such as Turner's syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome can also cause premature menopause.
  • Smoking habit

  • Smoking is a habit that can affect the occurrence of menopause. Some studies reveal that women who smoke tend to experience menopause faster than women who don't smoke.
  • Body mass index

  • Many estrogen hormones are stored in body fat tissue. Women who are too thin have little body fat. As a result, fewer estrogen hormones are stored, and this will affect the function of the ovaries and reproductive system.

How to Overcome Early Menopause Symptoms

Early menopause cannot be treated or prevented by certain medications or treatments. Nevertheless, there are several ways to overcome the symptoms that may arise. Here are some medical treatments to relieve symptoms of early menopause:
  • Hormone therapy

  • Hormone therapy or estrogen therapy is the most effective way to control symptoms of early menopause, such as hot flushes or vaginal dryness. This hormone therapy is available in various forms including pills, patches, transdermal sprays, gels and creams, as well as preparations for intravaginal use. The use of this therapy should be the lowest dose, because it can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, to breast cancer.
  • Family planning pills

  • Oral contraception is another form of hormone therapy that can be used to treat menopause symptoms.
  • Antidepressant medication

  • Groups of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can help relieve the symptoms of hot flush in early menopause. Non-hormonal vaginal gels, creams and lubricants This lubricant can help prevent vaginal dryness during menopause.
  • Assisted reproduction technology

  • Women with early menopause will face infertility problems or difficulty having a baby. However, pregnancy can still be attempted through other means, namely by donor eggs.
Early menopause can increase the risk of osteoporosis in women. This is because low estrogen levels cause low bone density. But this can be balanced by taking calcium or vitamin D intake or supplements, and exercising regularly. Women should be proactive in responding to the menopause experienced, so it does not cause excessive concern. Check with your doctor if you feel you are in the process of going to early menopause.


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